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PatientOS has been designed from the outset to be a Healthcare Information System (HIS). The software architecture, design patterns and framework has been built for the complexities and challenges of an enterprise wide information system.

It is a Healthcare Information System (EHR EMR PMS) for small hospitals and clinics. Scheduling, Orders, Meds, Pharmacy, Clinical Doc, HL7, Billing & more. Broad commercial support. Distributed clinical system written in pure Java with toolset to customize.


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Mirth is an open source cross-platform HL7 interface engine that enables bi-directional sending of HL7 messages between systems and applications over multiple transports. It is divided in three subprojects:

  • Mirth Connect: Specifically designed for HL7 message integration, Mirth Connect provides the necessary tools for developing, testing, deploying, and monitoring interfaces.

District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS 2)

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The DHIS 2 is a tool for collection, validation, analysis, and presentation of aggregate statistical data, tailored (but not limited) to integrated health information management activities. It is a generic tool rather than a pre-configured database application, with an open meta-data model and a flexible user interface that allows the user to design the contents of a specific information system without the need for programming. DHIS 2 and upwards is a modular web-based software package built with free and open source Java frameworks.


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dcm4che is a collection of open source applications and utilities for the healthcare enterprise. These applications have been developed in the Java programming language for performance and portability, supporting deployment on JDK 1.4 and up.

At the core of the dcm4che project is a robust implementation of the DICOM standard. The dcm4che-1.x DICOM toolkit is used in many production applications across the world, while the current (2.x) version of the toolkit has been re-architected for high performance and flexibility.

Open Hospital

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The aim of this project, conceived by Informatici Senza Frontiere ONLUS, was to create a software, called Open Hospital, for an hospital in Angal (Uganda).
Thanks to our work, ordinary administrative and management practices were computerized and their efficency improved. In addition to that, more than 5 other hospitals in the world decided to adopt Open Hospital, especially in Africa, but also in Herat (Afghanisthan), owning to the ISAF Italian Command in that region.


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OpenMRS is a community-developed, open-source, enterprise electronic medical record system framework intended to aid resource-constrained healthcare environments.


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OSCAR (Open Source Clinical Application and Resource) from McMaster University is a web-based EMR (electronic medical record) system developed for academic primary care clinics yet suitable in specialty and non-teaching practices. It integrates with Drugref to provide Canadian pharmacopea.


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HAPI (HL7 application programming interface; pronounced "happy") is an open-source, object-oriented HL7 2.x parser and encoder for HL7 version 2.x messages written in Java. This project is not affiliated with the HL7 organization; we are just writing some software that conforms to their specification. The project was initiated by University Health Network (a large multi-site teaching hospital in Toronto, Canada).


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The purpose of the dicom4j platform is to provide java components related to the Dicom Standard. For those purpose, the platform is based on 4 areas:

  • framework: framework which implements the standards
  • toolkit: offer ways to easily develop software based on the framework
  • plugins: end-user components which adress commons needs you can find in most dicom applications
  • apps: stand alone applications for end-user or tests purpose


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Laika analyzes and reports on the interoperability capabilities of EHR systems. This includes the testing for certification of EHR software products and networks.

To support EHR data interoperability testing, Laika is designed to verify the input and output of EHR data against the standards and criteria identified by the Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT). Laika is used by the Certification Commission to perform part of the interoperability certification inspection of EHRs.


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