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CollaboRhythm is a technology platform that enables a new paradigm of healthcare delivery; one where patients are empowered to become active participants and where doctors and other health professionals are transformed into real-time coaches. We believe that this radical shift in thinking is necessary to dramatically reduce healthcare costs, increase quality, and improve health outcomes.


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The research project Net4Care's aim is to develop a ecosystem to make it easy for small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) to build telemedical applications for the home.

The main area of support within the present edition is handling clinical observations in the home and ensuring they become available for clinician's work.

The Net4Care framework helps in this by providing:


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ADDIS is a software developed within the Dutch Escher-project for managing and analyzing clinical trial information.

ADDIS is a proof-of-concept system that allows us to simultaneously discover the possibilities of and the requirements on a database of structured clinical trials data. The automated discovery and (meta-)analysis of trial data, as well as benefit-risk assessment is supported.

ADDIS comes with two built-in examples:


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The Arden Syntax as a standardized language to represent medical knowledge can be used to express medical knowledge.
Arden2ByteCode is a open source compiler for the Arden Syntax. Arden2ByteCode runs on Java Virtual Machines (JVM) and translates Arden Syntax directly to Java bytecode (JBC)
executable on JVMs. It also serves as runtime environment for execution of the compiled bytecode.


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DicomBrowser is an application for inspecting and modifying DICOM metadata in many files at once. A single imaging session can produce thousands of DICOM files; DicomBrowser allows users to view and edit a whole session—or even multiple sessions—at once. Users can save the original or modified files to disk, or send them across a network to a DICOM C-STORE service class provider, such as a PACS or an XNAT.

Model-Driven Health Tools (MDHT)

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Open Health Tools Model-Driven Health Tools (MDHT) Project is a wide-ranging open source effort to promote interoperability in healthcare infrastructure. It promotes shared artifacts between related healthcare standards and standards development organizations, and works to develop localized specifications. It also delivers a common modeling framework and tools that support seamless integration of design, publication, and runtime artifact creation.


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L'application H-Monitor est un outil permettant de suivre l'évolution du rythme cardiaque en quasi temps réel. Associée à la ceinture Polar T31C, l'application retranscrit les pulsations cardiaques sur un graphique. Grâce à son intelligence artificielle embarquée, elle détecte les anomalies et prévient automatiquement les secours.
Elle intègre également un système de géolocalisation qui positionne l'utilisateur à intervalles de temps réguliers.
Toutes ces données sont envoyées et stockées sur un serveur consultable à distance.

OpenClinic GA

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OpenClinic GA is an open source integrated hospital information management system covering management of administrative, financial, clinical, lab, x-ray, pharmacy, meals distribution and other data. Extensive statistical and reporting capabilities.



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Oviyam is a web based DICOM Viewer. Using standard DICOM protocols patient lists can be queried, particular series or studies retrieved and be displayed as JPEG images in your browser. Oviyam will work with any DICOM server that supports WADO (Web Access to DICOM Persistent Objects).

Oviyam is a free download and is pre-packaged for deployment with JBoss.
The source is triple licensed under MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1.

Oviyam is built using the dcm4che toolkit and framework.


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