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MEDILIG - Medical Life Guard

Your rating: None Average: 2.4 (8 votes)

MEDILIG – Medical Life Guard: An EHR, EMR cross-platform software for the design, implementation and use of autonomous, open, database models for multilingual medical knowledge management systems from primary care to continuing care.

COMSATS Open Source Healthcare Management System (COS-HMS)

Your rating: None Average: 3.9 (22 votes)

COMSATS Open Source Healthcare Management System (COS-HMS) is designed and developed on scalable architecture and technologies like Java EE, MySQL, JBoss Application Server on Linux platform. It adheres the compliance of international standards like ICD-10 (World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases), DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) & LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes).

OpenClinic GA

Your rating: None Average: 4.8 (204 votes)

OpenClinic GA is an open source integrated hospital information management system covering management of administrative, financial, clinical, lab, x-ray, pharmacy, meals distribution and other data. Extensive statistical and reporting capabilities.
