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FreeSHIM is an opensource electronic medical device interface, which aims to allow any EMR/PM system to talk to any medical device attached to a workstation without having to install tons of pesky drivers or “reinvent the wheel” for each additional device manufacturer.

It is written in Java, and has been tested on Linux and Windows workstations (though we’re pretty sure it also runs fine on Mac OS X as well), and exposes both SOAP and REST interfaces. Its only prerequisite is a running J2EE container, such as Apache Tomcat.

Simulation Open Framework Architecture (SOFA)

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SOFA is an Open Source framework primarily targeted at real-time simulation, with an emphasis on medical simulation. It is mostly intended for the research community to help develop newer algorithms, but can also be used as an efficient prototyping tool.


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Amide's a Medical Imaging Data Examiner (AMIDE) is a completely free tool for viewing, analysing, and registering volumetric medical imaging data sets. It's been written on top of GTK+ , and runs on any system that supports this toolkit (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X with fink, etc.).


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OpenHRE is the world's first open source toolkit that provides a standard and secure means to exchange data between existing health records systems. With OpenHRE, health professionals can locate, access, and review clinical data related to a specific health consumer, or acquire de-identified clinical data for population studies.


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UBY DICOM is a cross-platform library for handling DICOM files and network communication in the Ruby language. DICOM is a standard that is widely used throughout the world for saving and transmitting image data used in medicine. The library supports reading, editing and writing files as well as querying, retrieving and sending files.


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L'application H-Monitor est un outil permettant de suivre l'évolution du rythme cardiaque en quasi temps réel. Associée à la ceinture Polar T31C, l'application retranscrit les pulsations cardiaques sur un graphique. Grâce à son intelligence artificielle embarquée, elle détecte les anomalies et prévient automatiquement les secours.
Elle intègre également un système de géolocalisation qui positionne l'utilisateur à intervalles de temps réguliers.
Toutes ces données sont envoyées et stockées sur un serveur consultable à distance.

Charrua DICOM Toolkit

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DICOM basic constructs used to create the tools at Its C++ code is a re-interpretation of the original UCDMC library by Mark Oskin. It tries to be much simpler and compact, also uses many Borland VCL specific structures.


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REMITT is a revolutionary medical information translation and transmission system, which is primarily used for preparing and submitting medical billing data.

REMITT works independent of any specific electronic medical record (EMR) or practice management (PM) system, and can interface with any EMR or PM system which implements its application programming interface (API). The first system to do so has been FreeMED.

Currently Supported Formats

  • HCFA-1500/CRM-1500
  • ANSI NSF X12 837 Professional

Currently Supported Output Types


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EHRflex is an archetype-based clinical registry system (EHR) independent of a particular reference model. It uses clinical archetypes as guidelines for the automatic generation of web interfaces, oriented to a clinical use and data introduction.
