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Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)

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The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) is a free open-source software system for development of interactive medical image processing software. MITK combines the Insight Toolkit (ITK) and the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) with an application framework. As a toolkit, MITK offers those features that are relevant for the development of interactive medical imaging software covered neither by ITK nor VTK.

Core features of the MITK platform:

php Easy Survey Package (phpESP)

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phpESP is a collection of PHP scripts to let non-technical users create surveys, administer surveys, gather results, view statistics. All managed online after database initialization.

PixelMed Java DICOM Toolkit

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PixelMed Java DICOM Toolkit is a stand-alone DICOM toolkit that implements code for reading and creating DICOM data, DICOM network and file support, a database of DICOM objects, support for display of directories, images, reports and spectra, and DICOM object validation.

The toolkit is a completely new implementation, which does not depend on any other DICOM tools, commercial or free. It does make use of other freely available pure Java tools for compression and XML and database support.


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CONNECT is an open source software solution that supports health information exchange – both locally and at the national level. CONNECT uses Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN) standards and governance to make sure that health information exchanges are compatible with other exchanges being set up throughout the country.


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"Command line utilities for creating, modifying, dumping and validating files of DICOM attributes, and conversion of proprietary image formats to DICOM. Can handle older ACR/NEMA format data, and some proprietary versions of that such as SPI."


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OpenEMed is a set of distributed healthcare information service components built around the OMG distributed object specifications and the HL7 (and other) data standards and is written in Java for platform portability. We emphasize the interoperable service functionality that this approach provides in reducing the time it takes to build a healthcare related system. It is not intended as a turnkey system but rather a set of components that can be assembled and configured to meet a variety of tasks.

Grassroots DICOM (GDCM)

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Grassroots DICOM (GDCM) is an implementation of the DICOM standard designed to be open source so that researchers may access clinical data directly. GDCM includes a file format definition and a network communications protocol, both of which should be extended to provide a full set of tools for a researcher or small medical imaging vendor to interface with an existing medical database.


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dicompyler is an extensible, fully open source radiation therapy research platform based on the DICOM standard. It also functions as a cross-platform viewer for DICOM and DICOM RT objects. dicompyler is written in Python and is built on pydicom, wxPython, PIL, and matplotlib and runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
