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HL7 file viewer, in tree-view format, with associated segment/field documentation. The latest release now includes editing, at all levels in the tree-view, e.g segment, field or component values. Purpose is for testing and bug-tracing HL7 communications.

Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)

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The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) is a free open-source software system for development of interactive medical image processing software. MITK combines the Insight Toolkit (ITK) and the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) with an application framework. As a toolkit, MITK offers those features that are relevant for the development of interactive medical imaging software covered neither by ITK nor VTK.

Core features of the MITK platform:


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Brainstorm is a collaborative open-source Matlab application dedicated to magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalography(EEG) data visualization, processing and cortical source estimation.
The intention is to make a comprehensive set of tools available to the scientific community involved in MEG/EEG experimental research.
For physicians and researchers, the interest of this software package resides in its rich and intuitive graphic interface, which does not require any programming knowledge.

The R Project for Statistical Computing

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R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is a GNU project which is similar to the S language and environment which was developed at Bell Laboratories (formerly AT&T, now Lucent Technologies) by John Chambers and colleagues. R can be considered as a different implementation of S. There are some important differences, but much code written for S runs unaltered under R."


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PsychoPy is an open-source application to allow the presentation of stimuli and collection of data for a wide range of neuroscience, psychology and psychophysics experiments. It’s a free, powerful alternative to Presentation™ or e-Prime™ . It’s written in Python (a free alternative to Matlab™ ) and combines the graphical strengths of OpenGL with the easy Python syntax to give psychophysics a free and simple stimulus presentation and control package.


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MeVisLab represents a platform for image processing research and development with a focus on medical imaging. It allows fast integration and testing of new algorithms and the development of application prototypes that can be used in clinical environments.

IDRT - Integrated Data Repository Toolkit

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i2b2 has turned out to be a very valuable component for secondary use of routine clinical data. Its pragmatic database schema allows merging of data from heterogeneous data sources, and the intuitive user interface enables easy querying and powerful processing. However, it's a component rather than a complete solution: The user is facing several barriers when integrating i2b2 into the operational workflow.
