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elementalClinic is a web-based application for managing mental health clients from intake through discharge including scheduling, assessments, progress notes, goals, group treatment, and electronic billing.


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Episodus is an innovative Electronic Health Record (EHR) program. Based on knowledge management technologies, it was designed to tell patient's health (hi)story over time and to organize it as a project manager.


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Pregnancies and deliveries need to be managed in a “continuum of care” across all levels of health care service provision. For this purpose, many countries maintain a “Perinatal Registry” – an electronic database in which relevant information related to pregnancy and childbirth (obstetrical history, risk factors, test outcomes, etc.) is periodically collected and evaluated.


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Symbiosys is an implementation of PatientOS where the UI layer uses with Eclipse's RCP, JFace and SWT Widget libraries to achieve native look and feel of the gui at runtime.


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ClinicWeb is a complete Health Information System (EHR - Electronic Health Medical Record); it access MySQL Database over Internet or local network; developed in Java


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CARE3G plans to be the third generation of CARE2X. It doesn't conflicts with CARE2X development and it doesn't intend to be a fork of it but rather its future. We envisage this branch as a big step forward without breaking the current development of Care2X and its current users around the globe.

Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS)

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RPMS is an integrated solution for the management of clinical, business practice and administrative information in healthcare facilities of various sizes. Flexible hardware configurations, over 50 software applications, and appropriate network communication components combine to provide a comprehensive clinical, financial, and administrative solution. This solution is in use at most health care facilities within the Indian health care delivery system.

Tolven Health Record

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The Tolven platform and ePHR and eCHR applications enable interoperability across electronic health records for consumers and clinicians. Using Java, EJB3, Faces, Facelets, AJAX, relational database, and LDAP for security.


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"Freemed-YiRC is a software project which provides a fully-integrated, web-based, secure, modular, and customizable web-based product capable of providing Child Caring/Residential Care/Foster Care agencies with a fully functional internal case management/information management system."
