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Ruby HL7

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Ruby HL7 is a simple library for parsing and generating HL7 2.x messages. 3.x support is planned in the future.


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The project stands for Medical Image Conversion. Released under the (L)GPL licence, it comes with the full C-source code of the library, a flexible command-line utility and a neat graphical front-end using the Gtk+ toolkit. The supported formats are: Acr/Nema 2.0, Analyze (SPM), Concorde/µPET, DICOM 3.0, CTI ECAT 6/7, NIfTI-1, InterFile3.3 and PNG or Gif87a/89a.


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FreeSHIM is an opensource electronic medical device interface, which aims to allow any EMR/PM system to talk to any medical device attached to a workstation without having to install tons of pesky drivers or “reinvent the wheel” for each additional device manufacturer.

It is written in Java, and has been tested on Linux and Windows workstations (though we’re pretty sure it also runs fine on Mac OS X as well), and exposes both SOAP and REST interfaces. Its only prerequisite is a running J2EE container, such as Apache Tomcat.