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NUT Nutrition Software

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nut is nutrition software to record what you eat and analyze your meals for nutrient composition. The database included is the latest USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference.


Your rating: None Average: 4.2 (5 votes)

Caisis is an open source, web-based cancer data management system that integrates research with patient care. The system is freely distributed to promote scientific collaboration, and over the course of the last five years many other institutions have adopted the system. Collaboration with multiple centers has allowed Caisis to develop and evolve in an environment of constant feedback and scrutiny. This environment has shaped the features, usability, and accessibility of Caisis.


Your rating: None Average: 1 (2 votes)

Occupancy in certain hospital patient care units is impacted by procedure scheduling policies and practices. For example, intensive care unit occupancy is strongly related to open heart surgery schedules. Similarly, occupancy in obstetrical postpartum units is impacted by the daily number of scheduled labor inductions and cesarean sections. That was the motivation for this project.

OBsched is a set of optimization models and supporting software for exploring the relationship between patient scheduling and nursing unit occupancy in hospitals.


Your rating: None Average: 4.8 (4 votes)

The Arden Syntax as a standardized language to represent medical knowledge can be used to express medical knowledge.
Arden2ByteCode is a open source compiler for the Arden Syntax. Arden2ByteCode runs on Java Virtual Machines (JVM) and translates Arden Syntax directly to Java bytecode (JBC)
executable on JVMs. It also serves as runtime environment for execution of the compiled bytecode.

OpenRep FREE

Your rating: None Average: 3.8 (4 votes)

OpenRep FREE is a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to serve as a homeopathic software with capabilities to open and use multiple repertories, perform repertorizations and view its results, manage patients and view different materia medicae. It is also designed to save and load data in human readable xml format.


Your rating: None Average: 2.8 (13 votes)

GastrOS is an endoscopic reporting software based on open standards: openEHR and MST. Built upon stable reference model & driven in runtime by Archetypes. It is part of our research at the University of Auckland to study maintainability & interoperability.

Features are:

  • Uses openEHR Archetypes and Templates
  • Based on the international standard terminology - MST
  • Dynamic GUI creation and data binding
  • Can create endoscopy reports
  • Can be extended by modifying the model - no coding
