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TurnHos is based on the system care2x, integrates data, functions and workflow in an environment of health care, in addition to the administration schedule, print appointments and admission of patients.

Clinic Management System (CMS)

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The CMS3.0 is an open-source clinic management system project jointly implemented by the Hong Kong Medical Association (HKMA) and the Information and software Industry Association (ISIA), with the funding support from the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) under the Sector-specific Programme (SSP) for the Medical and Health Sector, and was developed by the Mobigator Technology Group.

Community Health Information Tracking System (CHITS)

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The Community Health Information Tracking System or CHITS ( is an extensible, modular, open source information system for rural health units (initially for the Philippines). It collects existing routine health data from vertical programs in the Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS) and integrates them into a unified, comprehensive computerized information system.


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elementalClinic is a web-based application for managing mental health clients from intake through discharge including scheduling, assessments, progress notes, goals, group treatment, and electronic billing.


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ClearHealth is a next generation practice management and EMR. It supports Demographics, Scheduling, Full Medical Billing, Disease Management, Decision Support, EPrescribing, HL7, and Web Services.

It is Meaningful Use (Certified HIT Product) certified by the U.S. Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC).

Freefeathers EHR Project (FFEHR)

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FFEHR is the temporary project name of a software application commissioned by the ASEAN +3 node of the UNDP's International Open Source Network (UNDP-IOSN) for eventual use as an electronic health record for the healthcare industry. The initial goal of the project is to be able to design a common user interface that is both effective and efficient, and widely acceptable to medical practitioners in the Philippines and in the future, worldwide.


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"Freemed-YiRC is a software project which provides a fully-integrated, web-based, secure, modular, and customizable web-based product capable of providing Child Caring/Residential Care/Foster Care agencies with a fully functional internal case management/information management system."


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Pregnancies and deliveries need to be managed in a “continuum of care” across all levels of health care service provision. For this purpose, many countries maintain a “Perinatal Registry” – an electronic database in which relevant information related to pregnancy and childbirth (obstetrical history, risk factors, test outcomes, etc.) is periodically collected and evaluated.


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PatientOS has been designed from the outset to be a Healthcare Information System (HIS). The software architecture, design patterns and framework has been built for the complexities and challenges of an enterprise wide information system.

It is a Healthcare Information System (EHR EMR PMS) for small hospitals and clinics. Scheduling, Orders, Meds, Pharmacy, Clinical Doc, HL7, Billing & more. Broad commercial support. Distributed clinical system written in pure Java with toolset to customize.
