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Cottage Med

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CottageMed is a FileMaker Pro application that is flexible, ruggedly dependable and HIPAA-secure Electronic Medical Records system (EMR) with secure and wireless networking, PDA and multiple-office support, prescription writing and cross-platform."

Based on Filemaker Pro.

Open ISES (Open Information Systems for Emergency Services)

Your rating: None Average: 2.4 (5 votes)

If you work or volunteer as part of an emergency service agency today, you face an enormous task. It makes no difference if you are a firefighter, a paramedic, an operator as part of an amateur radio group or a member of a citizen emergency response team, you have huge responsibilities. At the Open ISES Project, we are here to help you meet those needs and responsibilities through the use of free, open source software and support materials.

Meta Clinic Management System

Your rating: None Average: 4.1 (18 votes)

Update (2011/02/02): The project seems not to be available anymore. The associated project at has been deleted. Please refer to the HKMA Clinic Management System (CMS) on which this project was originally based.

META CMS is a Clinic Management System, focused on private primary care clinics in Hong Kong. It's based on the HKMA CMS v3.0 (TaoYuan Project) and offering enhanced functionality and support. The system is bilingual, English and Chinese.

Offered features are:

  • Appointments & Waiting List

MEDILIG - Medical Life Guard

Your rating: None Average: 2 (7 votes)

MEDILIG – Medical Life Guard: An EHR, EMR cross-platform software for the design, implementation and use of autonomous, open, database models for multilingual medical knowledge management systems from primary care to continuing care.


Your rating: None Average: 3.5 (21 votes)

WorldVistA EHR is an open source electronic health record (EHR) based on the highly acclaimed VistA system of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The foundation for WorldVistA EHR was developed as part of the VistA-Office project, a collaborative effort funded by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

Clinic Management System (CMS)

Your rating: None Average: 3.7 (57 votes)

The CMS3.0 is an open-source clinic management system project jointly implemented by the Hong Kong Medical Association (HKMA) and the Information and software Industry Association (ISIA), with the funding support from the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) under the Sector-specific Programme (SSP) for the Medical and Health Sector, and was developed by the Mobigator Technology Group.


Your rating: None Average: 4.2 (35 votes)

CARE3G plans to be the third generation of CARE2X. It doesn't conflicts with CARE2X development and it doesn't intend to be a fork of it but rather its future. We envisage this branch as a big step forward without breaking the current development of Care2X and its current users around the globe.


Your rating: None Average: 3 (75 votes)

PatientOS has been designed from the outset to be a Healthcare Information System (HIS). The software architecture, design patterns and framework has been built for the complexities and challenges of an enterprise wide information system.

It is a Healthcare Information System (EHR EMR PMS) for small hospitals and clinics. Scheduling, Orders, Meds, Pharmacy, Clinical Doc, HL7, Billing & more. Broad commercial support. Distributed clinical system written in pure Java with toolset to customize.


Your rating: None Average: 4 (20 votes)

"GPL-licensed Electronic Medical Record and Practice Management system for medical providers that runs in any web browser in multiple languages. It is developed since 1999. It provides an XML-RPC backend and multiple import and export formats, as well as reporting and other features."


Your rating: None Average: 2.6 (58 votes)

Care2x integrates data, functions and workflows in a healthcare environment. It is currently composed of four major components. Each of these components can also function individually.

  • HIS - Hospital/Healthservice Information System
  • PM - Practice (GP) management
  • CDS - Central Data Server
  • HXP - Health Xchange Protocol
