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Horos™ is a free, open source medical image viewer. The goal of the Horos Project is to develop a fully functional, 64-bit medical image viewer for OS X. Horos is based upon OsiriX and other open source medical imaging libraries. Horos is made available under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3 (LGPL-3.0).

LibreHealth Toolkit

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LibreHealth Toolkit software serves as the foundational API and data model for many other Health IT applications. It will be frequently (but not always) utilized as an upstream product for building other LibreHealth software. Toolkit is a fork of the OpenMRS Platform, and builds on its reliability while improving performance and ease of installation and use.


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iPath is providing a free and open platform for "case based collaboration", especially designed for medical applications (telemedicine, etc). The iPath-Server package provides a sort of medical BBS to discuss/consult cases online. Additional modules are available.