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EHR-Gen Open Framework is a generator of electronic medical record systems based on openEHR standard and dynamic technologies like Grails Framework and the Groovy language.

Free D Path

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The Free Diagnostic Pathology Software Project arose from the NHS Improvement’s Lean Histopathology Project in the UK. Histopathology laboratories diagnose diseases, particularly cancers, by examining the appearances of the cells in samples of tissue. Many histopathology laboratories are using antiquated reporting software. Upgrading to a more modern system is expensive. Even the more modern systems often lack the technology needed for pathologists to efficiently report complex cases allowing workflow to be visually managed and supporting the use of customisable templates and proformas.

elCID (electronic Clinical Infection Database)

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Highly customisable open source software for managing inpatients & outpatients with infections.

Designed for infection services, features include


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MirrorMed is a next-generation PHP-based EHR and practice management system. It is an amalgum of several different FOSS projects code into a stable whole. The focus of the MirrorMed project will be on releasing something that is relatively stable relative to other projects.

Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS)

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RPMS is an integrated solution for the management of clinical, business practice and administrative information in healthcare facilities of various sizes. Flexible hardware configurations, over 50 software applications, and appropriate network communication components combine to provide a comprehensive clinical, financial, and administrative solution. This solution is in use at most health care facilities within the Indian health care delivery system.


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Simple medical records manager for the desktop to mantain medical records.
It is thought to be easy to use and it's mainly addressed to a single doctor.

It features:

  • Patient management
  • Doctor management (with associated patients)
  • Visit creation/editing
  • Medicine search online (via plugins)
  • Calendar for events and visits
  • Extensibility via plugins


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"Freemed-YiRC is a software project which provides a fully-integrated, web-based, secure, modular, and customizable web-based product capable of providing Child Caring/Residential Care/Foster Care agencies with a fully functional internal case management/information management system."


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OpenClinic is an easy to use, open source, medical records system written in PHP. It has been mainly thougth for private clinics, surgeries and private doctors. It is platform independent and it has multilanguage architecture.

Tolven Health Record

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The Tolven platform and ePHR and eCHR applications enable interoperability across electronic health records for consumers and clinicians. Using Java, EJB3, Faces, Facelets, AJAX, relational database, and LDAP for security.

Medscribbler Community

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Medscribbler Community is a fully implemented electronic medical record that allows for embedded and direct handwriting, as well as handwriting recognition on a Tablet PC.

For Medscribbler speed using a Tablet PC is the primary consideration, by allowing various input options: handwriting for standing by the exam table, handwriting conversion for quick entry of information for broader review, keyboard for sit down situations and voice recognition for those who like to dictate.
