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Zyxware Health Monitoring System

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Zyxware Health Monitoring System is a web based disease monitoring for monitoring diseases like chikungunya, malaria - reported by hospitals in a district, county, state or country. There is a reporting & analysis module and a GIS module which displays the data using google maps.

Real-time Outbreak and Disease Surveillance (RODS)

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"Real-time Outbreak and Disease Surveillance (RODS) is open-source public health surveillance software. RODS collects and analyzes disease surveillance data in real time and has been in development since 1999 by the RODS Laboratory. In 2002, the Utah Department of Health used the software for monitoring during the Winter Olympics Games. At present, health departments and other groups in the United States, Canada and Taiwan use the software."

Community Health Information Tracking System (CHITS)

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The Community Health Information Tracking System or CHITS ( is an extensible, modular, open source information system for rural health units (initially for the Philippines). It collects existing routine health data from vertical programs in the Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS) and integrates them into a unified, comprehensive computerized information system.