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php Easy Survey Package (phpESP)

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phpESP is a collection of PHP scripts to let non-technical users create surveys, administer surveys, gather results, view statistics. All managed online after database initialization.


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Bioconductor is an open source, open development software project to provide tools for the analysis and comprehension of high-throughput genomic data. It is based primarily on the R programming language.

The Bioconductor release version is updated twice each year, and is appropriate for most users. There is also a development version, to which new features and packages are added prior to incorporation in the release. A large number of meta-data packages provide pathway, organism, microarray and other annotations.

District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS 2)

Your rating: None Average: 2.6 (23 votes)

The DHIS 2 is a tool for collection, validation, analysis, and presentation of aggregate statistical data, tailored (but not limited) to integrated health information management activities. It is a generic tool rather than a pre-configured database application, with an open meta-data model and a flexible user interface that allows the user to design the contents of a specific information system without the need for programming. DHIS 2 and upwards is a modular web-based software package built with free and open source Java frameworks.