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Snofyre is an open source, service oriented API for creating SNOMED CT enabled applications in Java. It provides a number of SNOMED CT related services out of the box. These services can be used:

  • as a starter for understanding how to add SNOMED CT functionality to an application.
  • to rapidly prototype a SNOMED CT enabled application.

Snofyre API aims to

  • reduce the 'ramp up' time needed to understand
  • and embed SNOMED CT functionality in an application.


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ImageJ is a public domain Java image processing program inspired by NIH Image for the Macintosh. It runs, either as an online applet or as a downloadable application, on any computer with a Java 1.4 or later virtual machine. Downloadable distributions are available for Windows, Mac OS, Mac OS X and Linux.


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A Python function library to extract EEG feature from EEG time series in standard Python and numpy data structure. Features include classical spectral analysis, entropies, fractal dimensions, DFA, inter-channel synchrony and order, etc.


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RT_Image is an application developed in the Department of Radiation Oncology and MIPS at Stanford University. Coded in the Interactive Data Language (IDL, ITT Visual Information Solutions), RT_Image was originally designed in 2003 to generate radiotherapy target volumes from positron emission tomography (PET) datasets. It has since evolved to embody a variety of tools for visualizing, quantitating, and segmenting three-dimensional images.


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Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. The algorithms can either be applied directly to a dataset or called from your own Java code. Weka contains tools for data pre-processing, classification, regression, clustering, association rules, and visualization. It is also well-suited for developing new machine learning schemes.


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BioSig is an open source software library for biomedical signal processing, featuring for example the analysis of biosignals such as the electroencephalogram (EEG), electrocorticogram (ECoG), electrocardiogram (ECG), electrooculogram (EOG), electromyogram (EMG), respiration, and so on. Major application areas are: Neuroinformatics, brain-computer interfaces, neurophysiology, psychology, cardiovascular systems and sleep research. The aim of the BioSig project is to foster research in biomedical signal processing by providing open source software tools for many different applications.


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Brainstorm is a collaborative open-source Matlab application dedicated to magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalography(EEG) data visualization, processing and cortical source estimation.
The intention is to make a comprehensive set of tools available to the scientific community involved in MEG/EEG experimental research.
For physicians and researchers, the interest of this software package resides in its rich and intuitive graphic interface, which does not require any programming knowledge.


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MassChroQ (Mass Chromatogram Quantification) software performs quantification of data obtained from mass-spectrometry techniques. It is particularly well suited for peptide quantification of LC-MS (Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry) data. It performs chromatographic alignment, XIC extraction, peak detection and quantification on identified peptides, with or without isotopic labeling, on high or low resolution data and it takes into account peptide or protein fractionation.


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Ogles2 is an interactive slice and volume visualization and analysis tool based on Open Inventor / Coin3D. Ogles2 allows for reproducing the workflow of frame based stereotactic neurosurgery. In the long run it strives for being an open source stereotactic planning and analysis system. Ogles2 is NOT APPROVED FOR CLINICAL USE.
