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MRmap is a flexible software tool that enables T1, T2, and T2* mapping from source images of multiple types of pulse sequences (IR-prepared multi-image T1 mapping, Look-Locker/ TOMROP T1 mapping, MOLLI T1 mapping; single- and multi-echo T2/ T2* mapping).

MRmap is a pure research tool and is not intended for any diagnostic or clinical use.


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Vurtigo is a four-dimensional (3D + time) real-time visualization software for guiding cardiovascular interventions. It is designed to be part of a pipeline that can connect it to a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner, actively tracked catheters, and navigational devices.

Written in C++ under the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1, Vurtigo features a plug-in based architecture, allowing developers to extend the software using an interface to manipulate objects within Vurtigo. The software runs on Win32, Linux and Mac OS X.


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JULIDE is a software toolkit developed to perform the 3D reconstruction, intensity normalization, volume standardization by 3D image registration and voxel-wise statistical analysis of autoradiographs of mouse brain sections.


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Amide's a Medical Imaging Data Examiner (AMIDE) is a completely free tool for viewing, analysing, and registering volumetric medical imaging data sets. It's been written on top of GTK+ , and runs on any system that supports this toolkit (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X with fink, etc.).

Ginkgo CADx

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Ginkgo CADx project started in 2009 with the aim to create an interactive, universal, homogeneous, open-source and cross-platform CADX environment.

Ginkgo is built over a huge amount of advanced technologies providing full abstraction of complex tasks as:


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MIView is an OpenGL based medical image viewer that contains useful tools such as a DICOM anonymizer and format conversion utility. MIView can read DICOM, Analyze/Nifti, and raster images, and can write Analyze/Nifti and raster images. It can also read and convert DICOM mosaic images. The main goal of MIView is to provide a platform to load any type of medical image and be able to view and manipulate the image. Volume rendering is the main type of advanced visualization that I'm trying to implement.


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MediPy is a cross-platform software (Windows, Linux, Mac OS), dedicated to the visualization and processing aspects of medical imaging. It is targeted at both physicians and researchers, being both user-friendly and easy to extend. Physicians will benefit from the pre-programmed tasks (e.g. segmentation, registration, detection of lesions) and the possibility to record new tasks, tailoring the software to each user. The use of standard file formats (Analyze/Nifti, Dicom) allows to load image from many sources, as well as integrate to a PACS.

FrameWork for Software Production Line (FW4SPL)

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FW4SPL is a component-oriented architecture with the notion of role-based programming. FW4SPL consists of a set of cross-platform C++ libraries. For now, FW4SPL focuses on the problem of medical images processing and visualization.


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BioImageXD is a free open source software for analysis, processing and 3D rendering of multi dimensional, multi data channel, time series image data from microscopy and other sources.

BioImageXD is a collaborative open source free software project, designed and developed by microscopists, cell biologists and programmers from the Universities of Jyväskylä and Turku in Finland, Max Planck Institute CBG, Dresden, Germany and collaborators worldwide.


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MITK 3M3 is a free and user-friendly application which ensures effective and efficient work, analysis, and visualization of radiological image data.

MITK 3M3 gives you access to the latest algorithms and methods from research. The cooperation between the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and mint medical allows for a rapid transfer of leading-edge research topics, including diffusion imaging and automated segmentation techniques. MITK 3M3 will be constantly extended with the addition of new software modules to bring the latest research work to your computer.
