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Hospital OS

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Hospital OS is a Hospital Information System for managing hospital operations. It is a Client - Server software in which the server works as a central unit that stores all of the information and the clients are the units that feed the information into the server.


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OpenClinic is an easy to use, open source, medical records system written in PHP. It has been mainly thougth for private clinics, surgeries and private doctors. It is platform independent and it has multilanguage architecture.

Dcm4chee Lite Viewer

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Turyon DCM4CHEE Lite Viewer allows us to work or download DICOM images stored on the DCM4CHEE PACS.
Main features are: 2D, MPR and 3D Volume Reconstruction (VR).
Plug-in architecture.
Users can download all or authorized only DICOM images on a remote or local DCM4CHEE PACS.
This viewer can send a DICOM Structured Report (SR) to the PACS.
Cross-platform. Made in Java.
Free and open source. Download it, use it, modify it and share your improvements!!! Join us to make of this a better piece of software. Released under GPL v3.

Endoclinic SPMS

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Endoclinic SPMS is a Secure Patient Management System for Endocrinologic Clinics to record patients with Thyreoid/Myeloid cancer. A patients' EMR handles demographics, metastasis, followups, therapies (8 types), operations and histologic tests.


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Screensaver is a Lab Information Management System (LIMS) for high-throughput screening of small molecule and RNAi biological assays. It is a Java/JSF/Hibernate/Spring web application that is actively being developed and used at Harvard Medical School.

In detail it offers the following features:

  • Libraries
    • Manage screening libraries, including small molecule and RNAi libraries.
    • Import library plate/well contents from SD and Excel files for small molecule and RNAi libraries, respectively.


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Pregnancies and deliveries need to be managed in a “continuum of care” across all levels of health care service provision. For this purpose, many countries maintain a “Perinatal Registry” – an electronic database in which relevant information related to pregnancy and childbirth (obstetrical history, risk factors, test outcomes, etc.) is periodically collected and evaluated.


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The Technology Assisted Practice Application Suite (TAPAS) is a model to assist primary care physicians use technology in a targeted manner in their practices. It is an open source (GPL 2.0) collection of tools.

COMSATS Open Source Healthcare Management System (COS-HMS)

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COMSATS Open Source Healthcare Management System (COS-HMS) is designed and developed on scalable architecture and technologies like Java EE, MySQL, JBoss Application Server on Linux platform. It adheres the compliance of international standards like ICD-10 (World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases), DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) & LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes).


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ClearHealth is a next generation practice management and EMR. It supports Demographics, Scheduling, Full Medical Billing, Disease Management, Decision Support, EPrescribing, HL7, and Web Services.

It is Meaningful Use (Certified HIT Product) certified by the U.S. Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC).
