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Indivo is the original personally controlled health record (PCHR) system. A PCHR enables an individual to own and manage a complete, secure, digital copy of her health and wellness information. Indivo integrates health information across sites of care and over time. Indivo is free and open-source, uses open, unencumbered standards, and is actively deployed in diverse settings, in particular our own Children's Hospital Boston and the Dossia Consortium.


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OpenEMed is a set of distributed healthcare information service components built around the OMG distributed object specifications and the HL7 (and other) data standards and is written in Java for platform portability. We emphasize the interoperable service functionality that this approach provides in reducing the time it takes to build a healthcare related system. It is not intended as a turnkey system but rather a set of components that can be assembled and configured to meet a variety of tasks.

Sinapsis HIS

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Sinapsis-HIS is a Health Information System designed as a collection of Hospital Information Systems that synchronize their databases with a single region-wide database that contains all medical records and other information in a unified format.

  • Sinapsis contains Care2x software ported to PHP5 and rewritten with a clearer 3-tier architecture (Presentation, Logic and Database)
  • Currently has the original Patient and Medical Record modules, as well as a (new) Interconsultation module (other modules will be rewritten following the 3-tier architecture)