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NHS Hack Day

Submitted by demski on Wed, 2015/07/08 - 12:00
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Sat, 2015/09/12 to Sun, 2015/09/13
Ziferblat, 21 Edge Street, M4 1HW Manchester, United Kingdom

For those who aren't familiar with it, NHS Hack Day is a relaxed and free-form software development day, run as an unconference, and allowing participants to pitch their ideas and NHS problems to the audience of developers and Health IT specialists. After pitching, teams form organically and people start working on their solutions. On the Sunday, work continues, and then the work is presented to the judging panel. Prizes are awarded, but the main point of participation is the lessons learned, the community that has formed around NHS Hack Day, and the exhilaration of helping develop software over a weekend. There's lots more information at

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