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Endoclinic SPMS

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Endoclinic SPMS is a Secure Patient Management System for Endocrinologic Clinics to record patients with Thyreoid/Myeloid cancer. A patients' EMR handles demographics, metastasis, followups, therapies (8 types), operations and histologic tests.

Open ISES (Open Information Systems for Emergency Services)

Your rating: None Average: 2.4 (5 votes)

If you work or volunteer as part of an emergency service agency today, you face an enormous task. It makes no difference if you are a firefighter, a paramedic, an operator as part of an amateur radio group or a member of a citizen emergency response team, you have huge responsibilities. At the Open ISES Project, we are here to help you meet those needs and responsibilities through the use of free, open source software and support materials.

LIMS for proteomics (LIPAGE)

Your rating: None Average: 2 (3 votes)

LIPAGE is an open source laboratory information management system for 2DPAGE-based proteomics.


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Symbiosys is an implementation of PatientOS where the UI layer uses with Eclipse's RCP, JFace and SWT Widget libraries to achieve native look and feel of the gui at runtime.


Your rating: None Average: 3.9 (27 votes)

ClearHealth is a next generation practice management and EMR. It supports Demographics, Scheduling, Full Medical Billing, Disease Management, Decision Support, EPrescribing, HL7, and Web Services.

It is Meaningful Use (Certified HIT Product) certified by the U.S. Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC).

Sagui Saúde

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Sagui Saúde is an open source software system to manage a primary healthcare center and to assist the mobile software Borboleta, a primary health homecare software. It is developed by FLOSS Competence Center of IME-USP. The general goal of the Borboleta Project is to investigate tools and innovative methodologies in IT to support home care programs in public health, using advanced tools of Mobile Computing to promote the improvement of health services offered to people with low income.


Your rating: None Average: 3.5 (30 votes)

CyDoc is a webbased Doctors Office Application. It allows you to track your patients medical history and handles all your billing needs.


Your rating: None Average: 3.1 (7 votes)

iDART is a software solution designed to support the dispensing of ARV drugs in the public health care sector. It supports pharmacists in their important role of dispensing accurately to an increasing number of patients whilst still being able to engage and assist the patient.


Your rating: None Average: 4.2 (5 votes)

TurnHos is based on the system care2x, integrates data, functions and workflow in an environment of health care, in addition to the administration schedule, print appointments and admission of patients.

My Health Portal

Your rating: None Average: 1 (2 votes)

The project is yet in the planning phase.

MHP is an abbreviation for Min hälsoportal and is Swedish for My Health Portal. The MHP is a project that aims at making the public health-care in Sweden more accessible through the Internet. The main objectives are to make it possible for patients to consult medical expertise via video conferencing, to generate importable calendar files for the patient´s health-care contacts and also to keep track of their medications and for sample-takings.

The main features of MHP are:
