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HL7v3 Test Harness

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"The HL7 Test Harness system is an HL7 v3 message conformance testing application that also provides the ability to simulate the message processing actions of a client and/or server system. The app provides message workflow, format and content testing."


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EEG-Holter is designed for analysis of long-term EEG - Holter. Java developed, it supports medical and logbook anotations, epileptic events data, graphics and EDF files.


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Snofyre is an open source, service oriented API for creating SNOMED CT enabled applications in Java. It provides a number of SNOMED CT related services out of the box. These services can be used:

  • as a starter for understanding how to add SNOMED CT functionality to an application.
  • to rapidly prototype a SNOMED CT enabled application.

Snofyre API aims to

  • reduce the 'ramp up' time needed to understand
  • and embed SNOMED CT functionality in an application.


Your rating: None Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

DicomBrowser is an application for inspecting and modifying DICOM metadata in many files at once. A single imaging session can produce thousands of DICOM files; DicomBrowser allows users to view and edit a whole session—or even multiple sessions—at once. Users can save the original or modified files to disk, or send them across a network to a DICOM C-STORE service class provider, such as a PACS or an XNAT.

Perl HL7 Toolkit

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This project provides a simple but flexible Perl Toolkit for using the HL7 protocol. The toolkit consists of a Perl API, an implementation of a pluggable forking HL7 server, and an HL7 message queue daemon for developing HL7 capable applications in Perl.


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DICOM# open source project is intented to provide an OO class library for DICOM communication and will be developed purely by C# and running in .NET environment. DICOM# partially rewrites dcm4che open source project in C#.


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A Python function library to extract EEG feature from EEG time series in standard Python and numpy data structure. Features include classical spectral analysis, entropies, fractal dimensions, DFA, inter-channel synchrony and order, etc.


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The complexity of cellular networks is an outstanding challenge for documentation, visualisation and mathematical modelling. In this project, we develop a new way to describe these networks that minimises the combinatorial complexity and allows an automatic visualisation and export of mathematical (ODE/rulebased) models.


  • Automatic visualiztion with Cytoscape.
  • Automatic generation of rule based models for BioNetGen.
  • Storage of biological facts that can be used for modelling.

Ruby HL7

Your rating: None Average: 2.4 (5 votes)

Ruby HL7 is a simple library for parsing and generating HL7 2.x messages. 3.x support is planned in the future.

JCAM Engine

Your rating: None Average: 3 (2 votes)

XML Validation Framework and Canonical XML dictionary-based exchange assembly - OASIS CAM

The OASIS CAM toolkit provides a suite of tools for XML Validation and XML Exchange design and assembly from canonical XML dictionary components.

Included in the toolkit is an XML Editor/Validation/Schema Designer along with the CAMV runtime XML validation engine.

The project implements the OASIS CAM standard & NIEM IEPD approach. The visual editor allows design of exchange structures using XML components dictionaries.
