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DVTk – DICOM Validation Toolkit

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DVTk is an open source project for testing, validating and diagnosing communication protocols and scenario's in medical environments. It supports DICOM, HL7 and IHE integration profiles. The applications from the DVTk Project are must haves for software developers, test engineers and service engineers that work in the healthcare domain. The DVTk project can save you time in your daily work and bring products and services to a higher quality level.


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BioSig is an open source software library for biomedical signal processing, featuring for example the analysis of biosignals such as the electroencephalogram (EEG), electrocorticogram (ECoG), electrocardiogram (ECG), electrooculogram (EOG), electromyogram (EMG), respiration, and so on. Major application areas are: Neuroinformatics, brain-computer interfaces, neurophysiology, psychology, cardiovascular systems and sleep research. The aim of the BioSig project is to foster research in biomedical signal processing by providing open source software tools for many different applications.

HL7 Inspector

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The HL7 Inspector is a useful hl7 tool for integration the HL7 in a health care environmental. It will help you to minimize the time for tuning the HL7 communication between systems such as HIS and RIS by analyzing and validating HL7 messages.

Grassroots DICOM (GDCM)

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Grassroots DICOM (GDCM) is an implementation of the DICOM standard designed to be open source so that researchers may access clinical data directly. GDCM includes a file format definition and a network communications protocol, both of which should be extended to provide a full set of tools for a researcher or small medical imaging vendor to interface with an existing medical database.


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OpenEMed is a set of distributed healthcare information service components built around the OMG distributed object specifications and the HL7 (and other) data standards and is written in Java for platform portability. We emphasize the interoperable service functionality that this approach provides in reducing the time it takes to build a healthcare related system. It is not intended as a turnkey system but rather a set of components that can be assembled and configured to meet a variety of tasks.


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Niftilib is a set of i/o libraries for reading and writing files in the nifti-1 data format. nifti-1 is a binary file format for storing medical image data, e.g. magnetic resonance image (MRI) and functional MRI (fMRI) brain images.

Niftilib currently has C, Java, MATLAB, and Python libraries; we plan to add some MATLAB/mex interfaces to the C library in the not too distant future.

GNU Octave

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GNU Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides a convenient command line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically, and for performing other numerical experiments using a language that is mostly compatible with Matlab. It may also be used as a batch-oriented language.


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EGADSS (Evidence-based Guideline and Decision Support System) is an open source tool that is designed to work in conjunction with primary care Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems to provide patient specific point of care reminders in order to aid physicians provide high quality care. EGADSS is designed as a stand alone system that would respond to requests from existing Electronic Medical Records such as Wolf, Med Access, and MedOffIS to provide patient specific clinical guidance based on its internal collection of guidelines.

Utilities For Patient Data Exchange (UPDE)

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Utilities for Patient Data Exchange. A parser for text files to use with some of the utilities provided by the DCMTK from Offis. The purpose is to provide a basic DICOM Modality Worklist Management SCP.


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The IHE Cross Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS.b) integration profile facilitates the registration, distribution and access across health enterprises of patient electronic health records. XDS.b is focused on providing a standards-based specification for managing the sharing of medical summary documents between any healthcare enterprise, ranging from a private physician office to a clinic to an acute care in-patient facility.
