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Axial 360

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  • Axial 360 is an interface engine and connector library that enables health care systems of all types - hospital systems, lab systems, EHRs, HIEs, etc - to share clinical data when it is needed.
  • Axial 360 is built using best-of-bread open source components that enable improved scalability, extensibility, and modularity relative to other interface engines.
  • Axial 360 will feature a library of free “connectors” developed by the open source community, that will reduce the time required to interface with applications.


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OpenEMed is a set of distributed healthcare information service components built around the OMG distributed object specifications and the HL7 (and other) data standards and is written in Java for platform portability. We emphasize the interoperable service functionality that this approach provides in reducing the time it takes to build a healthcare related system. It is not intended as a turnkey system but rather a set of components that can be assembled and configured to meet a variety of tasks.

Model-Driven Health Tools (MDHT)

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Open Health Tools Model-Driven Health Tools (MDHT) Project is a wide-ranging open source effort to promote interoperability in healthcare infrastructure. It promotes shared artifacts between related healthcare standards and standards development organizations, and works to develop localized specifications. It also delivers a common modeling framework and tools that support seamless integration of design, publication, and runtime artifact creation.


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Laika analyzes and reports on the interoperability capabilities of EHR systems. This includes the testing for certification of EHR software products and networks.

To support EHR data interoperability testing, Laika is designed to verify the input and output of EHR data against the standards and criteria identified by the Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT). Laika is used by the Certification Commission to perform part of the interoperability certification inspection of EHRs.


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REMITT is a revolutionary medical information translation and transmission system, which is primarily used for preparing and submitting medical billing data.

REMITT works independent of any specific electronic medical record (EMR) or practice management (PM) system, and can interface with any EMR or PM system which implements its application programming interface (API). The first system to do so has been FreeMED.

Currently Supported Formats

  • HCFA-1500/CRM-1500
  • ANSI NSF X12 837 Professional

Currently Supported Output Types

JCAM Engine

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XML Validation Framework and Canonical XML dictionary-based exchange assembly - OASIS CAM

The OASIS CAM toolkit provides a suite of tools for XML Validation and XML Exchange design and assembly from canonical XML dictionary components.

Included in the toolkit is an XML Editor/Validation/Schema Designer along with the CAMV runtime XML validation engine.

The project implements the OASIS CAM standard & NIEM IEPD approach. The visual editor allows design of exchange structures using XML components dictionaries.


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OpenHRE is the world's first open source toolkit that provides a standard and secure means to exchange data between existing health records systems. With OpenHRE, health professionals can locate, access, and review clinical data related to a specific health consumer, or acquire de-identified clinical data for population studies.


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EtherCIS (Ethereal Clinical Information System) is an Open Source platform compatible with the openEHR standard. It is design to allow simple interactions with clients using RESTful API and persist clinical data in a separate DB engine. Clinical data are exchanged using different formats:

FLAT JSON: which is a flatten representation of access path along with the corresponding field value
Canonical XML: representing an openEHR composition in standard XML
For more details on data representation in openEHR see this page


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Symbiosys is an implementation of PatientOS where the UI layer uses with Eclipse's RCP, JFace and SWT Widget libraries to achieve native look and feel of the gui at runtime.


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PatientOS has been designed from the outset to be a Healthcare Information System (HIS). The software architecture, design patterns and framework has been built for the complexities and challenges of an enterprise wide information system.

It is a Healthcare Information System (EHR EMR PMS) for small hospitals and clinics. Scheduling, Orders, Meds, Pharmacy, Clinical Doc, HL7, Billing & more. Broad commercial support. Distributed clinical system written in pure Java with toolset to customize.
