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"GPL-licensed Electronic Medical Record and Practice Management system for medical providers that runs in any web browser in multiple languages. It is developed since 1999. It provides an XML-RPC backend and multiple import and export formats, as well as reporting and other features."


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Glucosio is a modern diabetes app for blood glucose, HB1AC, Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Ketones, Body Weight and more. Glucosio diabetes tracker makes it quick and easy to track all aspects of your diabetes!


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Care2x integrates data, functions and workflows in a healthcare environment. It is currently composed of four major components. Each of these components can also function individually.

  • HIS - Hospital/Healthservice Information System
  • PM - Practice (GP) management
  • CDS - Central Data Server
  • HXP - Health Xchange Protocol


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openDICOM.NET - DICOM library, console tools, DICOM viewer/browser for Mono/.NET and Beagle Desktop Search Plugin. The project supports ACR-NEMA and DICOM file formats and provides transcoding to XML. It is written in C# and licensed under (L)GPL.


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"An application useful to manage work shifts. Windows standalone executable for operators and web interface for workers. Multi-area, multi-schema, multi-language architecture. Layer for RDBMS technology independence, DB and LDAP authentication supported."


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InVesalius is a free medical software used to reconstruct structures of the human body. Based on two-dimensional images, acquired using Computed tomography or Magnetic resonance imaging equipments, the software generates virtual three-dimensional models correspondent to anatomical parts of the human body. After reconstructing three-dimensionally DICOM images, the software allows the generation of STL (stereolithography) files. These files can be used for Rapid Prototyping.


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Leipzig Image Processing and Statistical Inference Algorithms (Lipsia) is a software tool for processing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. It was developed over the course of several years at the Max-Planck-Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany.


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Dicoogle is an open source Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS) archive. Its modular architecture allows the quick development of new functionalities, due the availability of a Software Development Kit (SDK).


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dcm4che is a collection of open source applications and utilities for the healthcare enterprise. These applications have been developed in the Java programming language for performance and portability, supporting deployment on JDK 1.4 and up.

At the core of the dcm4che project is a robust implementation of the DICOM standard. The dcm4che-1.x DICOM toolkit is used in many production applications across the world, while the current (2.x) version of the toolkit has been re-architected for high performance and flexibility.
