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Medical Exploration Toolkit (METK)

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The MedicalExplorationToolkit (METK) was designed for loading, visualizing and exploring segmented medical data sets. It is a framework of several modules in MeVisLab, a development environment for medical image processing and visualization.

  • Case Management: Load and save whole cases of segmented structures e.g. for surgery planning, educational training or intra operative visualization.
  • Basic Visualization in 2D and 3D: Visualize segmented structures in multiple manner e.g. iso surface rendering, stippling, hatching, silhouettes, volume rendering, 2d overlays.


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EEG-Holter is designed for analysis of long-term EEG - Holter. Java developed, it supports medical and logbook anotations, epileptic events data, graphics and EDF files.


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3D medical image platform for visualization and image processing. Segmentation with Levels sets. Surface reconstruction with marching Cubes, texture Mapping and Raycasting, DICOM support.


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MRmap is a flexible software tool that enables T1, T2, and T2* mapping from source images of multiple types of pulse sequences (IR-prepared multi-image T1 mapping, Look-Locker/ TOMROP T1 mapping, MOLLI T1 mapping; single- and multi-echo T2/ T2* mapping).

MRmap is a pure research tool and is not intended for any diagnostic or clinical use.


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JULIDE is a software toolkit developed to perform the 3D reconstruction, intensity normalization, volume standardization by 3D image registration and voxel-wise statistical analysis of autoradiographs of mouse brain sections.


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FieldTrip is a Matlab software toolbox for MEG and EEG analysis that is being developed at the Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging of the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour together with collaborating institutes. The development of FieldTrip is currently by funding from the BrainGain and the Human Connectome projects.


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Voreen is an open source rapid application development framework for the interactive visualization and analysis of multi-modal volumetric data sets. It provides GPU-based volume rendering and data analysis techniques and offers high flexibility when developing new analysis workflows in collaboration with domain experts. The Voreen framework consists of a multi-platform C++ library, which can be easily integrated into existing applications, and a Qt-based stand-alone application.

The R Project for Statistical Computing

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R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is a GNU project which is similar to the S language and environment which was developed at Bell Laboratories (formerly AT&T, now Lucent Technologies) by John Chambers and colleagues. R can be considered as a different implementation of S. There are some important differences, but much code written for S runs unaltered under R."


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MIView is an OpenGL based medical image viewer that contains useful tools such as a DICOM anonymizer and format conversion utility. MIView can read DICOM, Analyze/Nifti, and raster images, and can write Analyze/Nifti and raster images. It can also read and convert DICOM mosaic images. The main goal of MIView is to provide a platform to load any type of medical image and be able to view and manipulate the image. Volume rendering is the main type of advanced visualization that I'm trying to implement.


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Amide's a Medical Imaging Data Examiner (AMIDE) is a completely free tool for viewing, analysing, and registering volumetric medical imaging data sets. It's been written on top of GTK+ , and runs on any system that supports this toolkit (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X with fink, etc.).
