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WorldVistA EHR is an open source electronic health record (EHR) based on the highly acclaimed VistA system of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The foundation for WorldVistA EHR was developed as part of the VistA-Office project, a collaborative effort funded by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).


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elementalClinic is a web-based application for managing mental health clients from intake through discharge including scheduling, assessments, progress notes, goals, group treatment, and electronic billing.

Gestion de cabinet médicaux (GECAMed)

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The GECAMed “Gestion de cabinet médicaux” project was initially started after the bankruptcy of a commercial software company in Luxembourg, which provided software for patient data management.

The consequece was that all physicians using this software found themselves in a difficult situation. There was no longer any support for their medical cabinet management software, while their electronic patient records were in danger to be lost or become inaccessable.


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Screensaver is a Lab Information Management System (LIMS) for high-throughput screening of small molecule and RNAi biological assays. It is a Java/JSF/Hibernate/Spring web application that is actively being developed and used at Harvard Medical School.

In detail it offers the following features:

  • Libraries
    • Manage screening libraries, including small molecule and RNAi libraries.
    • Import library plate/well contents from SD and Excel files for small molecule and RNAi libraries, respectively.


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The Zambia Electronic Perinatal Record System (ZEPRS) is an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system used by public obstetric clinics and a hospital (the University Teaching Hospital) in Lusaka, Zambia to improve patient care. The University of Alabama Birmingham (UAB) Center for Research in Women's Health (CRWH), RTI, and the Center for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ) developed ZEPRS with local medical expertise and project engagement from the Lusaka Urban Health District, Central Board of Health and funding support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


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Symbiosys is an implementation of PatientOS where the UI layer uses with Eclipse's RCP, JFace and SWT Widget libraries to achieve native look and feel of the gui at runtime.

Community Health Information Tracking System (CHITS)

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The Community Health Information Tracking System or CHITS ( is an extensible, modular, open source information system for rural health units (initially for the Philippines). It collects existing routine health data from vertical programs in the Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS) and integrates them into a unified, comprehensive computerized information system.

OpenRep FREE

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OpenRep FREE is a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to serve as a homeopathic software with capabilities to open and use multiple repertories, perform repertorizations and view its results, manage patients and view different materia medicae. It is also designed to save and load data in human readable xml format.

My Health Portal

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The project is yet in the planning phase.

MHP is an abbreviation for Min hälsoportal and is Swedish for My Health Portal. The MHP is a project that aims at making the public health-care in Sweden more accessible through the Internet. The main objectives are to make it possible for patients to consult medical expertise via video conferencing, to generate importable calendar files for the patient´s health-care contacts and also to keep track of their medications and for sample-takings.

The main features of MHP are:


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GastrOS is an endoscopic reporting software based on open standards: openEHR and MST. Built upon stable reference model & driven in runtime by Archetypes. It is part of our research at the University of Auckland to study maintainability & interoperability.

Features are:

  • Uses openEHR Archetypes and Templates
  • Based on the international standard terminology - MST
  • Dynamic GUI creation and data binding
  • Can create endoscopy reports
  • Can be extended by modifying the model - no coding
