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Perl HL7 Toolkit

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This project provides a simple but flexible Perl Toolkit for using the HL7 protocol. The toolkit consists of a Perl API, an implementation of a pluggable forking HL7 server, and an HL7 message queue daemon for developing HL7 capable applications in Perl.

Ruby HL7

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Ruby HL7 is a simple library for parsing and generating HL7 2.x messages. 3.x support is planned in the future.

C# ECG Toolkit

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C# ECG Toolkit is an open source software toolkit to convert, view and print electrocardiograms. The toolkit is developed using C# .NET 1.1 & 2.0. Support for ECG formats: SCP-ECG, DICOM and HL7 aECG.


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The research project Net4Care's aim is to develop a ecosystem to make it easy for small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) to build telemedical applications for the home.

The main area of support within the present edition is handling clinical observations in the home and ensuring they become available for clinician's work.

The Net4Care framework helps in this by providing:


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The Arden Syntax as a standardized language to represent medical knowledge can be used to express medical knowledge.
Arden2ByteCode is a open source compiler for the Arden Syntax. Arden2ByteCode runs on Java Virtual Machines (JVM) and translates Arden Syntax directly to Java bytecode (JBC)
executable on JVMs. It also serves as runtime environment for execution of the compiled bytecode.

Open eHealth Integration Platform (IPF)

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The Open eHealth Integration Platform (IPF) provides interfaces for health-care related integration solutions. An prominent example of an healthcare-related use case of IPF is the implementation of interfaces for transactions specified in Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) profiles.

IPF can be easily embedded into any Java application and additionally supports deployments inside OSGi environments.


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HAPI (HL7 application programming interface; pronounced "happy") is an open-source, object-oriented HL7 2.x parser and encoder for HL7 version 2.x messages written in Java. This project is not affiliated with the HL7 organization; we are just writing some software that conforms to their specification. The project was initiated by University Health Network (a large multi-site teaching hospital in Toronto, Canada).


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.Net version of HAPI. Object oriented HL7 2.X parser. This was ported from the original HAPI by Bryan Tripp and University Health Network. HL7 parser/encoder written in Microsoft .Net C#. Can encode/decode both XML and Pi.