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Full featured free PACS based on ctn or dcm4chee, dcmtk and mysql, with remote accessiom using apache and perl available for Linux in Debian packaging format for i386, amd64 and Mac OS darwin i386 and ppc.


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DICOM# open source project is intented to provide an OO class library for DICOM communication and will be developed purely by C# and running in .NET environment. DICOM# partially rewrites dcm4che open source project in C#.

Axial 360

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  • Axial 360 is an interface engine and connector library that enables health care systems of all types - hospital systems, lab systems, EHRs, HIEs, etc - to share clinical data when it is needed.
  • Axial 360 is built using best-of-bread open source components that enable improved scalability, extensibility, and modularity relative to other interface engines.
  • Axial 360 will feature a library of free “connectors” developed by the open source community, that will reduce the time required to interface with applications.

MRIdb: Medical imaging database

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MRIdb is an end-to-end data management system for MRI, combining the DCM4CHEE DICOM server with a bespoke front-end packaged into an easily deployable virtual machine. It interfaces directly with MRI scanners and handles image storage, retrieval and export. It provides role-based access control, patient-study assignment, and extensive auditing. MRIdb is the result of an ongoing collaboration between the BSS and the Imaging Sciences Department of Imperial College.

COMSATS Open Source Healthcare Management System (COS-HMS)

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COMSATS Open Source Healthcare Management System (COS-HMS) is designed and developed on scalable architecture and technologies like Java EE, MySQL, JBoss Application Server on Linux platform. It adheres the compliance of international standards like ICD-10 (World Health Organization's International Classification of Diseases), DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) & LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes).


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ClearHealth is a next generation practice management and EMR. It supports Demographics, Scheduling, Full Medical Billing, Disease Management, Decision Support, EPrescribing, HL7, and Web Services.

It is Meaningful Use (Certified HIT Product) certified by the U.S. Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC).


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OSEHRA VistA is a set of software components designed to support open source EHR solutions based upon the award-winning VistA EHR developed by the US Department of Veterans Affairs. OSEHRA VistA is not intended as a complete EHR solution, but as a baseline of open source community code that will strengthen all VistA-based EHR implementations and accelerate community innovation. OSEHRA VistA consists of FOIA VistA, with redacted code replaced to ensure functionality, plus added innovations and established, OSEHRA-certified software from the community.

Librehealth Radiology

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The Radiology module aims at adding capabilities of a Radiology Information system (RIS) into LibreHealth Toolkit.


Develop a module capable of manage information in a radiology department.


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openDICOM.NET - DICOM library, console tools, DICOM viewer/browser for Mono/.NET and Beagle Desktop Search Plugin. The project supports ACR-NEMA and DICOM file formats and provides transcoding to XML. It is written in C# and licensed under (L)GPL.
