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ImageJ is a public domain Java image processing program inspired by NIH Image for the Macintosh. It runs, either as an online applet or as a downloadable application, on any computer with a Java 1.4 or later virtual machine. Downloadable distributions are available for Windows, Mac OS, Mac OS X and Linux.

Project HealthDesign Common Platform

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The Project HealthDesign Common Platform is a set of software components that provide common, shared functions to a variety of personal health applications (PHAs). The goal of “centralizing” these functions is to reduce personal health application implementation time and increase interoperability among the PHAs. The common platform components are currently implemented as web services that PHAs may access via standard web interfaces. Services exist for storing observations and medications, as well as for providing authentication, registry, and access-control functions.


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"pgctn" is an open source DICOM server/web-based viewing system. It is made by using PHP and javascript. PostgreSQL (also MySQL), CTN (also DCM4CHE), DCMTK and other open source software are used for the back end. The feature is to improve using the AJAX.


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Aurion is an open source health information exchange platform that implements the Nationwide Health Information Network standard services and content specifications. Aurion is the first project chartered through the Alembic Foundation. This software enables the secure exchange of interoperable health information among diverse organizations using a wide variety of technologies.

MRIdb: Medical imaging database

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MRIdb is an end-to-end data management system for MRI, combining the DCM4CHEE DICOM server with a bespoke front-end packaged into an easily deployable virtual machine. It interfaces directly with MRI scanners and handles image storage, retrieval and export. It provides role-based access control, patient-study assignment, and extensive auditing. MRIdb is the result of an ongoing collaboration between the BSS and the Imaging Sciences Department of Imperial College.

Free D Path

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The Free Diagnostic Pathology Software Project arose from the NHS Improvement’s Lean Histopathology Project in the UK. Histopathology laboratories diagnose diseases, particularly cancers, by examining the appearances of the cells in samples of tissue. Many histopathology laboratories are using antiquated reporting software. Upgrading to a more modern system is expensive. Even the more modern systems often lack the technology needed for pathologists to efficiently report complex cases allowing workflow to be visually managed and supporting the use of customisable templates and proformas.


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What is Open PHACTS?
To reduce the barriers to drug discovery in industry, academia and for small businesses, the Open PHACTS consortium is building the Open PHACTS Discovery Platform. This will be freely available, integrating pharmacological data from a variety of information resources and providing tools and services to question this integrated data to support pharmacological research.
The project is ending in August 2014.

Open Food Order System (OFOS)

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This food and menu order system is specially designed for hospitals and similar institutions.

Live without tobacco project

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First open-source tobacco intervention, a fully-automated website built mainly using Java and open-source software. The content is based on widely accepted guidelines for tobacco and dependence treatment and scientific research.


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OpenPPRN is a collaboration between multiple Patient-Powered Research Networks to build an open, shared patient-facing web & mobile technology infrastructure.

With this "Open" PPRN, in the push of a button, you'll be able to deploy a Patient-Powered Research Network that is complete with:

  • Patient Registry
  • Research Survey Platform
  • Health Data Aggregation & Visualization
  • Mobile Health Tracking
  • Patient Social Network

Customizable: Select just the features you want.
