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Indivo is the original personally controlled health record (PCHR) system. A PCHR enables an individual to own and manage a complete, secure, digital copy of her health and wellness information. Indivo integrates health information across sites of care and over time. Indivo is free and open-source, uses open, unencumbered standards, and is actively deployed in diverse settings, in particular our own Children's Hospital Boston and the Dossia Consortium.

Axial 360

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  • Axial 360 is an interface engine and connector library that enables health care systems of all types - hospital systems, lab systems, EHRs, HIEs, etc - to share clinical data when it is needed.
  • Axial 360 is built using best-of-bread open source components that enable improved scalability, extensibility, and modularity relative to other interface engines.
  • Axial 360 will feature a library of free “connectors” developed by the open source community, that will reduce the time required to interface with applications.

Project HealthDesign Common Platform

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The Project HealthDesign Common Platform is a set of software components that provide common, shared functions to a variety of personal health applications (PHAs). The goal of “centralizing” these functions is to reduce personal health application implementation time and increase interoperability among the PHAs. The common platform components are currently implemented as web services that PHAs may access via standard web interfaces. Services exist for storing observations and medications, as well as for providing authentication, registry, and access-control functions.


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ImmunoRatio is a free web application for automated image analysis of estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and Ki-67 immunostained tissue sections.

The application:

  1. segments diaminobenzidine-stained (DAB) and hematoxylin-stained nuclei regions from the user-submitted image,
  2. calculates the percentage of DAB-stained nuclear area over total nuclear area (=labeling index), and
  3. generates a pseudo-colored result image matching the area segmentation (see the example on right side).


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OpenMEDIS is a simple, flexible, and standardized tool to collect (inventory) and process (manage) information on health technology infrastructure, e.g. medical devices in low- and middle income countries.


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Laika analyzes and reports on the interoperability capabilities of EHR systems. This includes the testing for certification of EHR software products and networks.

To support EHR data interoperability testing, Laika is designed to verify the input and output of EHR data against the standards and criteria identified by the Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT). Laika is used by the Certification Commission to perform part of the interoperability certification inspection of EHRs.


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REMITT is a revolutionary medical information translation and transmission system, which is primarily used for preparing and submitting medical billing data.

REMITT works independent of any specific electronic medical record (EMR) or practice management (PM) system, and can interface with any EMR or PM system which implements its application programming interface (API). The first system to do so has been FreeMED.

Currently Supported Formats

  • HCFA-1500/CRM-1500
  • ANSI NSF X12 837 Professional

Currently Supported Output Types

IHE open source

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This project holds an implementation of the Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS) profile as defined by IHE ( It includes implementations of both the Document Registry and Document Repository actors.

The project is deployed at the XDS Public Registry Test Facility of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

php Easy Survey Package (phpESP)

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phpESP is a collection of PHP scripts to let non-technical users create surveys, administer surveys, gather results, view statistics. All managed online after database initialization.


Your rating: None Average: 4.2 (5 votes)

ATNA is an IHE security profile representing Audit Trail and Node Authentication. OpenATNA is an implementation of an Audit Record Repository supporting RFC 3881 audit messages over BSD Syslog as well as RFC 5424-5426 (UDP and TLS).

OpenATNA Features:

  • Optimizes the database so that entities such as active participants, audit sources, participant objects and codes are not duplicated for every message received.
  • Performs validation of messages as they arrive.
  • Optionally logs errors as well as audit messages.
  • Supports TLS and UDP.
